Monday, October 3, 2011

"Lucky I'm In Love With My Best Friend"

Today it has officially been 11 months since Tyler and I became a "facebook official" couple. :P Technically it's been a year since I decided I wanted to date him. Though he will argue that it's still 3 weeks to the day he actually asked me.. and I said no. Sooorry hunnie... :P But hey! You won, right? ;)

Highlights of the last 11 months:
~ That time we went to Macey's and Tyler had to buy the brownies he knocked off the table.
~ Watching the rain from the Pavillion at the park
~ "Hunnie, look, it's our star!"
~ Star Gazing
~ Prom <3
~ The phone call I got at 12:30 this morning
~ ever day of the last 11 months. :)

It honestly doesn't feel like it's been 11 months. It feels much more like 3 or 4. Tyler went from being my friend's boyfriend, to the friend that asked me to Homecoming, to the best friend I've ever had, to the person I care about most in the world. It's hard to believe that I'm dating someone who I don't argue with (often. And never over something earth shattering.), who still knows how to surprise me, who I could never get sick of... :) He's my best friend.

And this is the song of the day. :)

So what, may you be asking, are Ty and I planning on doing to celebrate this momentus day? Well. Thanks to my random urges to go on adventures, we are going up the canyon, either taking food with us or making quesadillas on a camping stove, playing frisbee/connect 4/ whatever else I decide to bring, watching the stars because you can actually SEE them, and possibly dance just the two of us. :) I love this boy. Tyler, thanks for supporting me and my random need to do something different and exciting. :)