Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Please Meet Stuart.

Dear Boyfriend;

Valentines day could not have been more absolutely fantastic. :D

Love, Sarah.

Ok, I know this is REALLY late. But I've just barely logged back into my blog. I felt like it needed some lovin. So please, let me give you a glimpse of the amazingness that is my relationship. For valentines day (actually, a couple of weeks before) Tyler, who knows me better than any other living person on the face of the earth decided to send me an INCREDIBLY oversized box that I waited ALL day for and finally, 10 minutes before I had to leave for work, it showed up. And inside this very LARGE box, there was......................................

This giraffe. He is 5 feet tall. And his name is Stuart. Needless to say, I had to stop myself from bawling like a total idiot in front of my boyfriend (thank you Skype..). He lives in my room, and my dad hides him while I'm at work. It's made me scream on a few occasions when I've literally RUN into him turning a corner. Or opening a door. It's great.


Tyler and I ALSO had a Skype date on the magical day of Love. :) Gosh that boy is just so... CUTE. So, here I am, just happy to be able to Skype with him while he's thousands of miles away, when he whips out a guitar! (Mind you, he's been joking about learning to play the guitar for like.. 3 months now!) So I, in shock, just sit there with my mouth open, and he starts to play our song! :D (Stuck Like Glue- Sugarland) Yeah. If I thought I had to hold back tears when Stuart came to live with me, this was about 20 times worse. There are not words to describe how much I love this boy. I couldn't do anything except sit there grinning and blushing with the cuteness of it all. If you've never had the love of your life sing to you before, you should try it. :) It's kind of amazing.

(You have to understand... The music video only makes it more amazing that this is what we chose for our song. And.... Come to think of it... no one ever chose :P It's just kinda... US!)

And that... That was my Love Day. :) He got my package 2 weeks later :P filled with valentines, chocolate, movies to keep him entertained, and a teddy bear that smelled like me :P Aaaaah... can't wait for him to come home. One month, one week, one day. :D

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's Like a Journal.....

I've decided that blogging is the equivalence of journal writing. You get REALLY excited about it in the beginning and vow to do it at least once a week, maybe even twice if you feel like it. But then the Blogging Goggles wear off, and it becomes a chore that never gets accomplished. Here's a shout-out to my journal that I haven't written in since... Oh gosh... Last spring! Maybe we'll do better.

So, for my journal that never gets written in (or my blog...) Let's go over the highlights of the last few months!

1) Audios, Cold Stone! Hello, Cafe Zupas!
Well, at least I don't come home smelling like ice cream and the grease trap, OR covered in fudge/caramel/anything else that finds me... I really enjoy Zupas. :) The people that work there are about a thousand times happier and friendlier than they were at Cold Stone, so it's been quite a bit easier adjusting and getting to know them. Plus, half off Zupas before, during, and after a shift? Um... Hello, joy! It's nice to see you!

2) Tyler Went to Mexico
No big deal.... :/ It's been quite an experience, let me tell you. Long distance SUCKS. Thank heaven for Skype and Facebook. His mission is going to be the death of me. But I'm so proud of him for deciding to do this :) The experience is going to help him so much on his mission. And now he's even more fluent in Spanish. Congrats, kid. So, now I go to school and work, and he teaches English :) But, to entertain ourselves, we set up a blog just for us because we got sick of sharing things with each other on Facebook, because EVERYONE can see them. Makes it less happy. 

3) Doterra??
It's true. I MIGHT be working for Doterra soon. I had an interview with them last week, then got a call a day later asking me to come in and meet for a second interview with the General Managers. CROSS YOUR FINGERS!!! Getting this job could make the difference of my finally being independent, or living off my parents for ANOTHER year. :/ Here's to hopin!!

4) Human Sexuality
I don't think I will ever take another class in college that I love as much as this one. Totally worth getting up at 7:30 to get ready on a SATURDAY morning for. Best 2 1/2 hours I spend during the week. :P Clair is awesome, and as awkward as the subject matter sounds, it's freakin awesome. Freaking out Tyler with my knowledge is my new favorite game. :D

Aaaand... In all honesty, that's really all that's happened in the last few months. So, there you go, Journal and Blog. You've been paid attention to once more.

Love, Sarah.