Monday, October 3, 2011

"Lucky I'm In Love With My Best Friend"

Today it has officially been 11 months since Tyler and I became a "facebook official" couple. :P Technically it's been a year since I decided I wanted to date him. Though he will argue that it's still 3 weeks to the day he actually asked me.. and I said no. Sooorry hunnie... :P But hey! You won, right? ;)

Highlights of the last 11 months:
~ That time we went to Macey's and Tyler had to buy the brownies he knocked off the table.
~ Watching the rain from the Pavillion at the park
~ "Hunnie, look, it's our star!"
~ Star Gazing
~ Prom <3
~ The phone call I got at 12:30 this morning
~ ever day of the last 11 months. :)

It honestly doesn't feel like it's been 11 months. It feels much more like 3 or 4. Tyler went from being my friend's boyfriend, to the friend that asked me to Homecoming, to the best friend I've ever had, to the person I care about most in the world. It's hard to believe that I'm dating someone who I don't argue with (often. And never over something earth shattering.), who still knows how to surprise me, who I could never get sick of... :) He's my best friend.

And this is the song of the day. :)

So what, may you be asking, are Ty and I planning on doing to celebrate this momentus day? Well. Thanks to my random urges to go on adventures, we are going up the canyon, either taking food with us or making quesadillas on a camping stove, playing frisbee/connect 4/ whatever else I decide to bring, watching the stars because you can actually SEE them, and possibly dance just the two of us. :) I love this boy. Tyler, thanks for supporting me and my random need to do something different and exciting. :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sitting In Kayla's Biology Class

I think my brain has turned to mush. But seriously. This is what I get for saying yes to a late shift at work today... Hanging out at the University until I have to go to work. Which means, tagging along with Kayla to her class because I don't do well by myself... here's what I've done while Kayla learned what Photosynthasis is:
  1. finished my last two packets from Astronomy (Oooh... Slacker. I know.)
  2. Looked up the Disney College Program (I might be working at Disney Land. Watch out.)
  3. Endorsed my paycheck. Thank  you UVU for having a branch right downstairs.
  4. Checked Facebook
  5. Wished I had service in this classroom...
This is why I shouldn't bring my laptop to class. I lose focus. And then I remember that this isn't even my class. I'm just here. And that in MY classes, two of my professors don't allow laptops, one doesn't care WHAT you do, as long as you pass the tests and turn in the homework, and one is WAAY to entertaining to even touch anything electronic. Man, do I have it made. :)

Aaaand there's still half an hour left in this class. Yay. I've never been happier that I'm not taking Biology in my life. (And then I remember that I pretty much HAVE to in order to graduate... Yay.) I do like that her professor has a microphone though. And he's not obnoxious like my History professor is. So far he's getting an A. Ok. Off to netflix to watch videos now. :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bill Nye The Science Guy

Guess What Today Is???
Today is the day that my childhood hero (and Jr High/High School science entertainer) comes to my university. BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY!! (You're all saying "Science RULES." in your heads right now, huh? It's ok. So did I.) I can't even describe to you my level of excitement. Even the 3 year old girl sitting in front of me understands how exciting this is. Kayla saved me a seat and told me she was watching Bill Nye on her dad's iPad, then turned around with huge eyes going "Bill Nye......!" Awesome. My children will be that cool.

Bill Nye starts in 13 minutes. I really can't wait. Oh, by the way, this brings the Tyler/Sarah school competition to: Sarah 3 Tyler 1/2. Actually, bump that up. Sarah 5 Tyler 1/2. Kayla reminded me that we kyak in our fountains and have drive in movies. State school over private school, competition rocked.

Remember those days in the 90's when PBS would play Bill Nye and you'd sit there and freak out over the experiments? Then when the show was over you'd run upstairs to tell Mom everything you learned and try the experiments for yourself? But you'd never get it right? Yeeeeaah... And then you "grew up" and Bill Nye wasn't cool anymore because they made you watch him in your science class when your teacher didn't want to teach? I'm sorry, Bill. I will never sin again. Because today, a lifelong dream is being fulfilled. And you are standing less than 25 feet away from me. In all your Bill Nye glory. And my life is complete.

Growing Up means..........
~ Drooling over attractive men in movies
~ Attending college classes then skipping them (Kayla. Tyler. Shame.)
~ Getting overly excited about a lecture at college (BILL BILL BILL BILL!)
~ Loving everthing about life. :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

It's the College Life For Me!

UVU and I have recently become very good friends. The kind of friends that damage one another's souls and leaves you crying, that is... :/ Oh, college.... I'm not gonna lie, it's awesome. I get there early in the morning and finish before noon. Take that High School. That's right. You're all just having lunch by then, and I'm DONE so HA! (Yes, Tyler, I am aware that you had that schedule after Wrestling was over... You suck. :P)
Anywho. I've discovered that College classes are not quite all they've been talked up to be. Thank you again, High School, for making me overly freaked out over my future. I've got another 2 1/2 semesters before that kind of inpending doom looms over my head. Bachelors Degree... Not excited for you. Who knew I'd be spending 3 years in LITERATURE classes??? Oh wait. English Major. Riiiiight...

I've also come to realize the magic that is the Losee Center. 2 hours between classes+Dracula+REALLY comfy armchairs= Best 2 hours spent every other day. Also made better by chatting with Holly, Kayla, Alex, and sometimes Mike or Austin. I like to call it "Advanced High School." :) But it's still fun. Other fun times include: Drive in Movies, green pancakes on Wednesdays, chatting with my MARRIED friends (oye.), BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY (Tomorrow!! Eeee!! Does BYU have Bill Nye? No. Sarah 1, Tyler 1/2.), Charmed in the Library (plus donuts!), planning camping trips then remembering BYU doesn't have a fall break (Sarah 2 Tyler 1/2.), and walking around campus being attacked by people I never see anywhere else. :) Life is good.

UVU I'm glad we're friends. :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Employee In Training.

You know how yesterday we were given super cool spy badges? Well. Today had an adventure all its own. Thank you training. You never seem to fail me.

Today was the day that Joel wanted us to take at least two calls before going to lunch. We listened to calls for about two hours and for the last hour took turns taking the calls. Here's how it went:

~Calls numbers 1-5~
Totally normal. Normal customers. Normal problems. I was anwering their questions in my head and feeling pretty good about myself doing it too. Customer would call in, "Thank you for calling Vivint this is So-and-So, how can I help you today?" Customer would then proceed to complain about various problems that had nothing to do with our company (Literally. Nothing. I was trying so hard to keep from laughing.) And this went on for the next couple of calls. 10:30 rolls around and Tyson/Joel remind us that we need to start taking the calls now. Sweet. Here we go.

Next Three Calls, Brought to You by Sarah:
"Thank you for calling Vivint, this is Sarah, how may I help you today?" "Hi, Sarah. This is (insert name.) I'm a tech in (insert city.)" I then proceeded to accomplish three calls along these lines looking up customers accounts and making notes to call them and check up on their system. Yeeeaaah... Never talked to a customer. Dah. How often does that happen? Pretty much never. Which is fine. I did learn how to use the CMS server though! 10 points for me.

Ready aaaand... Partner's Turn....
So. Professional we were training with had normal calls, I had random "I never ever get these..." calls, so what does Kelsey get? Escalated calls.......... I'm so sorry. Nervous+annoyed customer does NOT equal a good first experience. But it gets better. Or.. worse, I guess. Kelsey's first customer was only mildly annoyed and asked to speak to our "trainer." Ok, so put him on the line. Check. Our NEXT customer was what got to us. Kelsey didn't take the mic. back, so Collin did. Customer calls and demands a cancelation. Which.. sorry.... you're outside of the terms of cancelation in the agreement.... That does NOT make an 85 year old southern woman happy. In any way. Scary. I now fear for my life...

So. What can make this experience better?
~Snack Wednesday (Mmm... Cookies AND cupcakes!)
~Suishi AND grilled cheese for lunch. Can life get better??
~Planning a "Training Class Field Trip"
~Tyson's Question of the Day (How would YOU kill someone??)
~Random Chocolate. We love you Joel.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Super Spy.

Today, I fulfilled a life-long goal of mine. Be a spy. Now, technically I fulfilled this when I was six, and again at 15, and then multiple times since then. But this is different. THIS... was legit. Explanation? Certainly. ....

Last week I started working at Vivint. Totally awesome. Perk: all access SCANABLE badge to get into the building. No badge, no service. The first time I realized the power of these badges I kinda flipped out a little. Hopefully only inside.. Though I can't promise that some of that didn't leak out into the open and cause others to look at me with expressions simliar to "What.. the heck is that girl doing...?" It takes a certain person to appreciate the happy dance. (Hem hem... Tyler.)

ANYWAY. So. Today, we (those of us in week two of training for Customer Support) FINALLY got our badges! No more lame paper badges saying we were "Employees in Training." Gag. I now have a hard plastic slightly scrateched up card that has my face on it. And my name. And department. Take that. In the words of a much loved disney character: "That's right.... FEEEEEEL the power..." ("Oh. I feel it.")

But I still haven't gotten to the best part! Oh, yes. There's more. Wait for it...... Waaaaiiiit for it................ Ok. You're ready. Today, after leaving work, I went home. (GASP! Keep reading.) I unloaded my black hole of a purse of all my Vivint accessories (which conisists of a folder, pen, and my BADGE.), looked at said badge, then decided I'd take it with me. Just in case. Mom and I then headed out to the mall to meet up with my cousin and aunt, then when we finally decided to leave, the offer was made to show off my new office building. Hook. Line. And sinker. No one can resist the pull of Vivint's corporate office builidng. No one. So, Mom, Cousin, and I all took an adventure. And guess what I got to do.

Use my badge.

There you are. My spy moment of the day. Holding up my totally awesome badge to the sensor and unlocking a side door. Even though the front doors were still open and the receptionists were still there. I just needed to try it. Just once. And it was amazing.

True, it was slightly marred by the fact that I was using the wrong side for like 5 minutes and looked like a total idiot trying to get into the building... But I eventually figured it out, and the amazingness just eminated from me. (Big headed? Probably. It happens.)

Readhead: 1
World: ... Not really keeping score...