Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bill Nye The Science Guy

Guess What Today Is???
Today is the day that my childhood hero (and Jr High/High School science entertainer) comes to my university. BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY!! (You're all saying "Science RULES." in your heads right now, huh? It's ok. So did I.) I can't even describe to you my level of excitement. Even the 3 year old girl sitting in front of me understands how exciting this is. Kayla saved me a seat and told me she was watching Bill Nye on her dad's iPad, then turned around with huge eyes going "Bill Nye......!" Awesome. My children will be that cool.

Bill Nye starts in 13 minutes. I really can't wait. Oh, by the way, this brings the Tyler/Sarah school competition to: Sarah 3 Tyler 1/2. Actually, bump that up. Sarah 5 Tyler 1/2. Kayla reminded me that we kyak in our fountains and have drive in movies. State school over private school, competition rocked.

Remember those days in the 90's when PBS would play Bill Nye and you'd sit there and freak out over the experiments? Then when the show was over you'd run upstairs to tell Mom everything you learned and try the experiments for yourself? But you'd never get it right? Yeeeeaah... And then you "grew up" and Bill Nye wasn't cool anymore because they made you watch him in your science class when your teacher didn't want to teach? I'm sorry, Bill. I will never sin again. Because today, a lifelong dream is being fulfilled. And you are standing less than 25 feet away from me. In all your Bill Nye glory. And my life is complete.

Growing Up means..........
~ Drooling over attractive men in movies
~ Attending college classes then skipping them (Kayla. Tyler. Shame.)
~ Getting overly excited about a lecture at college (BILL BILL BILL BILL!)
~ Loving everthing about life. :)

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome! My cuz told me that Bill was really cool too.
