Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sitting In Kayla's Biology Class

I think my brain has turned to mush. But seriously. This is what I get for saying yes to a late shift at work today... Hanging out at the University until I have to go to work. Which means, tagging along with Kayla to her class because I don't do well by myself... here's what I've done while Kayla learned what Photosynthasis is:
  1. finished my last two packets from Astronomy (Oooh... Slacker. I know.)
  2. Looked up the Disney College Program (I might be working at Disney Land. Watch out.)
  3. Endorsed my paycheck. Thank  you UVU for having a branch right downstairs.
  4. Checked Facebook
  5. Wished I had service in this classroom...
This is why I shouldn't bring my laptop to class. I lose focus. And then I remember that this isn't even my class. I'm just here. And that in MY classes, two of my professors don't allow laptops, one doesn't care WHAT you do, as long as you pass the tests and turn in the homework, and one is WAAY to entertaining to even touch anything electronic. Man, do I have it made. :)

Aaaand there's still half an hour left in this class. Yay. I've never been happier that I'm not taking Biology in my life. (And then I remember that I pretty much HAVE to in order to graduate... Yay.) I do like that her professor has a microphone though. And he's not obnoxious like my History professor is. So far he's getting an A. Ok. Off to netflix to watch videos now. :)

1 comment:

  1. In honor of this post I read it during property class. Well, it wasn't "in honor" so much as whether I'm surfing the net or paying attention I glean about the same.

    Here is everything I've learned about property law so far: Something about possession being 9/10ths of the law. First in time first in right. Finder keepers losers weepers and I know you are but what am I...wait, that last one I didn't learn in property.
